Memory Configuration

In this pannel you can configure the memory and assign rom images to different addresses and slots.


The dialog consits of a list view that shows the current memory configuration. Each row contains one ROM/RAM or IO mapper configuration. The list has five columns. The first column indicates whether the mapper has any conflicts with any previous mapper. In the picture above one mapper is placed on the same slot, subslot and address as a previous one and thus causing a conflict. The conflict can be resolved by changing the address or slot configuration of the mapper.
The meaning of the other columns are:

     Slot Slot and subslot number where the rom shall be mapped. A mapper can be unslotted in which case this field is blank.

     Address The address where the ROM/RAM shall be mapped. If the mapper is unslotted, the field is blank.

     Type Specifies the memory type of the mapper.

     Rom Image Specifies the ROM name if the mapper is a ROM mapper.

Below the list view are three buttons.

     Add... Adds a new entry to the memory configuration list.

     Edit... Edits the selected entry to the memory configuration list.

     Remove Removes the selected entry from the memory configuration list.

When the Add or Edit button is pressed or if you double click on a mapper entry in the list. A mapper configuration dialog is shown:


The dialog contains five fields:

     File The field shows the selected ROM file for the mapper. The button opens a file dialog where you can select a ROM file for the mapper. If the mapper does not require a ROM file, this field will be disabled.

     Type A dropdown list where the type of mapper is selected.

     Slot Specifies the slot where to map the ROM. If the type is an IO mapper, this field is disabled.

     Address Specifies the address within the slot where to map the ROM. If the type is an IO mapper, this field is disabled.

     Size If the mapper is a ROM mapper, this field shows the size of the ROM. If the mapper is a RAM mapper this field is an enabled drop down menu where you can set the RAM size.